| 1. | Tfx timesforex swiss bank secrecy - time they are exchanging 瑞汇网瑞士银行保密制度 |
| 2. | Swiss bank secrecy 瑞士银行保密制度 |
| 3. | Tax payers have the right to demand tax authorities to keep banking secrecy for their deposits 66纳税人有要求税务机关为其存款帐户保密的权利。 |
| 4. | Switzerland and luxembourg fear ? not without cause ? that giving up banking secrecy would hit their private - banking business 瑞士和卢森堡的惶恐也不是空穴来风,抛弃银行保密义务将沉重打击他们的私人银行业务。 |
| 5. | Swiss bank secrecy is reinforced by a constant awareness of the seriousness of the bank s obligation to maintain confidentiality , starting with bank employees having to sign the secrecy portion of the banking act as a condition of employment 瑞士银行的保密原则在各个银行明确其保证客户信息和资料保密性的义务条件下不断得到强化。这一原则将银行雇员必须从一开始签署具有专门保密条款的银行合同作为其被银行雇佣的条件。 |
| 6. | Swiss bankers are under obligation to keep any information about their clients or their clients account strictly confidential . this bank secrecy is among the strictest in the world and stems from an age - old historical tradition . it is established in swiss law 由于瑞士银行业内部行程了这种绝对保守客户秘密的原则,使得其位于瑞士境外的任何分支机构也必须受到这一规则的约束,即使所在国家或地区的法律缺少相应的保护客户信息和资料的规定。 |
| 7. | The exchanges amongst the participants were conducted in a constructive and open manner and , as expected , discussions centred on obstacles such as data protection , confidentiality issues , bank secrecy and client privilege as well as the impact and opportunities created by developments in the field of information technology 与会者交流的态度都是积极而开放的。一如预期,讨论集中在各方合作上的障碍如保障私隐、保密事项、银行机密及客户权益,以至资讯科技发展的影响与所制造的机会等。 |